Fashion Designing – 2 Years M.Voc.

Course Details

  • Course Name - M.Voc. Fashion Design
  • Duration - 2 Years
  • Eligibility- B.Voc. or Equivalent course

Program Outcomes

This two-year program in Fashion Design has been curated for advance knowledge and valuable experience. The course is project – led, practical oriented which in return is supported by lectures, workshops, industry visits, live presentations to familiarise the students with the Design and garment industry.
Thus he/she should have acquired the following-

1. A basic knowledge and understanding of:
  • Design, fashion and garment construction
  • World textiles and different kinds of costumes and tradition
  • Working of the apparel industry
2. An in depth knowledge and understanding of:
  • Textiles and fabric including different fabrics to be used and how the fabrics are made
  • Creative surface embellishments and 2D and 3D embroidery
  • Media, fashion and different forms of fashion communication
3. Skills and competence in :
  • Garment adaptation and construction techniques
  • Fashion rendering
  • Technical fashion illustrating 2D 3D Surface Embellishments
  • Dissertation and craft documentation
4. A Healthy and Professional Attitude so that he/she has:
  • Plan and organise work to achieve goals.
  • Apply research principles, methods and techniques to one’s field of professional practice and write professional reports,
  • Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, requiring the exercise of full personal responsibility for output of own work as well as for the outputs of the group.
  • Adapt to the future of work and to the demands of the fast pace of technological develop ments and innovations that drive employers ‘demands for skills, particularly with respect to transition towards more technology assisted work involving the creation of new forms of work and rapidly changing work and production processes.
  • Manage work that is complex and unpredictable and requires new strategic approaches.
  • Demonstrate ability to develop and lead teams to achieve team goals.
5. Adequate life skills to live a productive life:
  • Embrace and practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values.
  • Analyse and evaluate evidence from a range of sources to generate solutions to complex problems.
  • Make judgements in a range of situations by critically reviewing and consolidating evidence
  • Demonstrate entrepreneurial skill and mindset.
  • Demonstrate skills necessary to operate in a challenging and changing global environment
  • Effective communication skills Choosing the appropriate materials and services for an interior design project.
  • Designing the interiors of all kinds of spaces as per the client’s requirements.
  • Preparing estimates and work schedules for executing design projects.
5. Designing landscapes for interior and exterior spaces:
  • Application of principles of experiential and luxury design to their interior design projects,including the use of high-end materials, finishes, and technologies.
  • Developing a professional portfolio of experiential and luxury interior design projects that showcase their skills and knowledge in the field.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team
  • Respect for honesty, punctuality and truthfulness
  • Ability to plan and organise work to achieve desired results and meet deadlines .
  • An awareness about own motivations, strengths and areas of improvement.
  • An awareness of the importance of self-development and lifelong learning
  • Basic digital skills to work in an office
  • Basic financial understanding and skills to handle personal finance and work in a business environment

Semester 1

S No. Subject Name Theory/Practical Core/General Education Credits
1 Garment Construction Techniques Theory/Practical Core 4
2 Fashion Rendering Practical Core 4
3 Creative Surfaces and Textiles Theory/Practical Core 3
4 World Costumes: European Theory Core 2
5 Fabric Types To Drapes Theory/Practical Core 3
6 Personal Effectiveness Theory General Education 2
7 Constitutional, Humanistic, Ethical, and Moral Values Theory General Education 2

Semester 2

S No. Subject Name Theory/Practical Core/General Education Credits
1 Garment Adaptations and Construction Theory/Practical Core 5
2 Technical Fashion Illustrations Practical Core 3
3 Study of World Textiles Theory/Practical Core 3
4 World Costumes: Asian Theory Core 2
5 Draping Art Theory/Practical Core 3
6 Managerial Effectiveness Theory/Practical General Education 2
7 Research and Report Writing Theory/Practical General Education 2

Semester 3

S No. Subject Name Theory/Practical Core/General Education Credits
1 Advanced Garment Construction Theory/Practical Core 4
2 Surface Embellishments 2D and 3D Theory/Practical Core 3
3 Media and Fashion Theory/Practical Core 2
4 Textile Care Theory/Practical Core 3
5 Project Dissertation Theory Core 4
6 Business & Technology Theory/Practical General Education 2
7 Critical and Analytical Thinking Theory General Education 2

Semester 4

S No. Subject Name Theory/Practical Core/General Education Credits
1 Practical Pattern Design and Construction Theory/Practical Core 4
2 Fabric Ornamentation Theory/Practical Core 3
3 Fashion Communication Theory/Practical Core 2
4 Textile Handling Theory/Practical Core 3
5 Craft Documentation Theory/Practical Core 4
6 Strategic Management & Leadership Theory General Education 2
7 Entrepreneurship Effectiveness Theory General Education 2

Certificate You Will Get

MSU M.VOC Certificate MSU M.VOC Certificate & Marksheets
NSDC certificate NSDC Certificate
Specialization program certificate SUPER SPECIALISATION PROGRAM NIFD Global Certificate
NIFD Global certificate 2 Year NIFD Global Marksheet
Voice Fashion certificate 2 Year Voice Of fashion Certificate
Manish Malhotra certificate Manish Malhotra Certificate